Friday, May 10, 2013

Top Classical Music

#1. Beethoven - Symphony No. 5: I (1808)

#2. Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture (1880)

#3. Mozart - Eine Kleine Nachtmusik: Allegro (1787)

#4. Bach - Toccata And Fugue In D Minor (1707)

#5. Rossini - William Tell Overture (1829)

#6. Pachelbel - Canon In D (1694)

#7. Strauss - Blue Danube (1866)

#8. Orff - Carmina Burana: O Fortuna (1936)

#9. Strauss, R - Also Sprach Zarathustra (1896)


#10. Offenbach - Orpheus In The Underworld: Infernal Galop (1858)

#11. Handel - Messiah: Hallelujah Chorus (1741)

#12. Bizet - Carmen: Les Toreadors (1845)

#13. Khachaturian - Gayane: Sabre Dance (1942)

#14. Beethoven - Symphony No. 9: Ode To Joy (1824)

#15. Elgar - Pomp And Circumstance March No. 1 (1901)

#16. Grieg - Peer Gynt: In The Hall Of The Mountain King (1875)

#17. Ponchielli - La Gioconda: Dance Of The Hours (1876)

#18. Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 (1847)

#19. Mendelssohn - Midsummer Night's Dream: Wedding March (1842)

#20. Rimsky-Korsakov - Tale Of Tsar Saltan: Flight Of The Bumblebee (1900)

#21. Gershwin - Rhapsody In Blue (1783)

#22. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (1801)

#23. Ravel - Bolero (1928)

#24. Tchaikovsky - Nutcracker: Dance Of The Sugar-Plum Fairy (1892)

#25. Rosas - Over The Waves (1884)

#26. Bach - Air On The G String (1723)

#27. Mozart - Magic Flute: Queen Of The Night (1791)

#28. Beethoven - Für Elise (1810)

#29. Fucik - Entry Of The Gladiators (1897)

#30. Delibes - Lakmé: Flower Duet (1882)

#31. Dukas - Sorcerer's Apprentice (1897)

#32. Copland - Rodeo: Hoedown (1942)

#33. Wagner - Die Walküre: Ride Of The Valkyries (1856)

#34. Bach - Cantata 147: Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring (1723)

#35. Tchaikovsky - Nutcracker: Waltz Of The Flowers (1892)

Friday, April 12, 2013


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Filmography photos

Filmography Photo Project

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3-D printing

unbeFUCKINLiveabLe !!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Test For Creativity

1. Alternative Uses
Developed by J.P. Guilford in 1967, the Alternative Uses Test stretches your creativity by giving you two minutes to think of as many uses as possible for an everyday object like a chair, coffee mug, or brick. Here’s a sample brainstorm for “paper clip” uses:
·         Hold papers together
·         Cufflinks
·         Earrings
·         Imitation mini-trombone
·         Thing you use to push that emergency restart button on your router
·         Keeping headphones from getting tangled up
·         Bookmark
The test measures divergent thinking across four sub-categories:
·         Fluency - how many uses you can come up with
·         Originality – how uncommon those uses are (e.g. “router restarter” is more uncommon than “holding papers together”)
·         Flexibility – how many areas your answers cover (e.g. cufflinks and earrings are both accessories, aka one area)
·         Elaboration – level of detail in responses; “keeping headphones from getting tangled up” would be worth more than “bookmark”
Try it yourself:
How many uses can you think of for a spoon? You have two minutes…

2. Incomplete Figure

Developed in the ’60s by psychologist Ellis Paul Torrance, the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) sought to identify a creativity-oriented alternative to IQ testing. One of the most iconic elements of the TTCT was the Incomplete Figure test, a drawing challenge that’s like a game of exquisite corpse.
You’re given a shapes like the below, and then asked to complete the image.
 Try it yourself:

A couple more templates for the development of imagination and creativity, as well as honing skills of the artist. The inscription on the transfer form "Come on, Doris." American illustrator David Dzheblou made ​​of this elementary exercise personal art project .

 Try it yourself:

3. Riddles

“A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid. What is it?” asks Bilbo Baggins in Tolkein’s The Hobbit. Riddles pose a question to which initially there seems to be no answer until, suddenly, the answer arrives in a flash of insight: “Aha! It’s an egg!”
Psychologists use riddles to measure creative problem solving potential, orconvergent thinking. Unlike the Alternative Uses Test, the goal here is to arrive at a single correct answer (rather than as many answers as possible).
Try it yourself: see here

4. Remote Associates

The Remote Associates Test takes three unrelated words, such as “Falling – Actor – Dust,” and asks you to come up with a fourth word that connects all three words. In this case, the answer is “star,” as in “falling star,” “movie star” and “stardust.”
You won’t have much luck solving this type of problem by methodically going through all the compound words and synonyms for ‘falling’ ‘actor’ and ‘dust’ and comparing them to each other. As with riddles, the solutions typically arise as a flash of insight. 
Try it yourself:
Time – Hair – Stretch
Manners – Round – Tennis
Ache – Hunter – Cabbage
(in order): Long, Table, Head.

5. The Candle Problem

The Candle Problem is a classic test of creative problem solving developed by psychologist Karl Duncker in 1945. Subjects are given a candle, a box of thumbtacks, and a book of matches, and asked to affix the lit candle to the wall so that it will not drip wax onto the table below.The test challenges functional fixedness, a cognitive bias that makes it difficult to use familiar objects in abnormal ways. 

The solution is to empty the box of thumbtacks, put the candle into the box, use the thumbtacks to nail the box (with the candle in it) to the wall, and light the candle with the match.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Arepo Simulation of Galaxy Formation

Ben Gazzara Performs Charles Bukowski’s Poem

Ben Gazzara performs Charles Bukowski’s poem “Style,” from Marco Ferreri’s film Tales of Ordinary Madness:

Style is the answer to everything
A fresh way to approach a dull or dangerous 
To do a dull thing with style is preferable
to doing a dangerous thing without it
To do a dangerous thing with style, is what
I call art
Bullfighting can be an art
Boxing can be an art
Loving can be an art
Opening a can of sardines can be an art
Not many have style
Not many can keep style
I have seen dogs with more style than men
Although not many dogs have style
Cats have it with abundance
When Hemingway put his brains
to the wall with a shotgun, that was style
For sometimes people give you style
Joan of Arc had style
John the Baptist
García Lorca
I have met men in jail with style
I have met more men in jail with style
than men out of jail
Style is a difference, a way of doing,
a way of being done
Six herons standing quietly in a pool of water,
or you, walking out of the bathroom naked without seeing me

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Google Employee Creates ‘memorable’ Googleplex Rap Video

Google likes to let us all know that it is a fun place to work. The company, and its employees, do it all the time. There is even a company policy which states that its employees only have to work 80% of the time, and can spend the rest of the 20% doing whatever they want. Well, we hope this rap by Google employee Andrew Fink is what they do with that 20% of free time over there, because it is both the best and worst thing we have seen (and heard) in a long while.
Andrew Fink works out of the New York City Google office, and we guess this is how the employees spend their time. It’d be amusing if this rap was part of their 80% and not their 20%, and that this kind of thing is officially sanctioned work integral to the Google business model, but that’s unfortunately probably not the case.
Perhaps the most amusing part of the song is that it takes a cue from actual current popular raptrends. Namely, some traits of cloud rap — such as the deep voice synthesizer, and the slow, trippy background music. Granted, there weren’t any lyrics involving various types of “drank,” but there was this guy dressed up as Popeye, so that makes up for most things. The Android mascot also got down and funky.
Source: Geek-CeteraNews

Google's Vint Cerf explains why Facebook's real-name requirement is flawed

When he's not theorizing about chatting with aliens over the internet, computer science visionary Vint Cerf maintains a day job at Google as a vice president and the company's chief internet evangelist. The "father of the internet" was recently asked about Google's stance on real-name authentication, a system that requires users to publicly go by their proper name on the internet. Thus far Google has gently pushed users to display their real name on Google+ and the company's other services, but it hasn't backed away from traditional usernames / pseudonyms, either. Cerf thinks that's the right approach. "Using real names is useful, he said in a recent interview with Reuters. "But I don't think it should be forced on people, and I don't think we do." That's a slightly different strategy than the one Facebook has pursued; the world's leading social network has gone so far as to defend its real-name-only policy in court.
"Anonymity and pseudonymity are perfectly reasonable under some situations," Cerf said, citing oppressive, violent regimes like Syria as an example where real names could put individuals in jeopardy. Even so, Cef believes that authentication brings an inherent sense of trust to online communications. "What I'm looking for is not that we shut down anonymity, but rather that we offer an option when needed that can strongly authenticate who the parties are."
Source: Reuters, Yahoo news

Apple considered calling iPhone the ‘Telepod’, ‘Mobi’, ‘iPad’, or ‘Tripod’, former Apple ad man reveals


At an event at the University of Arizona’s Department of Marketing, former Apple advertising lead Ken Segall has shared some additional details into the naming behind Apple’s massively popular smartphone. While Apple ended up calling its industry-changing smartphone the “iPhone,” Apple considered a few other names.

Our own Scott Buscemi was on the ground at the event, and he has shared the details for this article. In addition to iPhone, Apple considered “Telepod,” “Mobi,” “Tripod,” and “iPad.” More details below:

“Telepod:” According to Segall, Apple considered calling the device “Telepod” because it sounded like a futuristic twist to the word “telephone.” The “pod” part of the name also makes sense in context of Apple’s then-extraordinarily-popular iPod line of music players. Perhaps this name would have made more sense if Tony Fadell’s “iPod-phone” project beat out Scott Forstall’s OSX/iOS work.
“Mobi“: According to Segall, this potential name is a play on the word “mobile.” The shortened version of “Mobile” seems to be a creative name with a personality.

“Tripod:” While this name did not win out, it did make a big impact on Apple’s original presentation and marketing for the iPhone. “Tripod” stems from the iPhone being a combination phone + iPod + internet communications device. Indeed, Apple heavily marketed the original iPhone as such. As we know today, with the App Store and other new Apple apps, the iPhone platform is so much more than just a phone, internet communicator, and media player.
“iPad:” While the iPad ended up being the name for Apple’s tablet computer, that name was also under consideration for the smartphone. As the iPhone has much of the same functionality as the iPad that we know today, that name may have been sensible. This name also makes sense in terms of Apple’s iOS device development process: Steve Jobs previously revealed that Apple worked on the tablet before the phone, but ended up prioritizing the iPhone in its long-term product roadmap.

When the iPhone first launched, its name was a bit controversial because Cisco owned the “IPHONE” trademark for its IP-based phone system. The two companies ended up striking a deal for both to use the name. As seen in Apple’s iPhone enterprise software support, Apple and Cisco ended up partnering up on projects as part of its “iPhone” name deal.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Technology archives


Liquipel is not a case, but a coating that promises to protect your smartphone from accidental exposure to water.
Liquipel is a hydrophobic nano-coating that is applied to your phone or tablet to make water less cohesive. The coating permeates the phone and bonds to it on a molecular level, both inside and out, to protect every feature of your device with a revolutionary waterproof shield that will last for years.


The NanoLight is a new LED lightbulb that not only looks like a beautiful abstract piece of art, but is also the world’s most energy efficient lightbulb.
Created by three University of Toronto graduates, the NanoLight uses just 12 watts of electricity to generate the same amount of light as a 100 watt incandescent bulb. It’s energy efficient design allows for very little energy lost due to heat, ensuring that you will never burn your hand when you touch the NanoLight.


Until now, prosthetic limbs failed to provide an important human feature: they lacked the sense of touch. Thanks to a team of Swiss scientists at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and a project called TIME, a prosthetic hand has been developed that is able to provide the feeling of touch.
To make this all work, electrodes are implanted directly into nerves that allow for both motor input and real sensory feedback from the artificial limb.


The shopping experience is about to get a lot more interactive. The folks at teamLab have created the TeamlabHanger, an interactive hanger that shows shoppers what clothes look like on a model as soon as the hanger is removed from a rack.
When a piece of clothing is picked up by a curious shopper, a signal is sent to a nearby monitor that displays a front and back preview or video of the selected item. When the hanger is placed back on the rack, the display is automatically switched off.


For those who don’t already know, Glass is basically a computer that is built into the frame of a pair of glasses. Essentially, it’s the device that will make augmented reality part of our daily lives.


The folks at WobbleWorks wanted to produce a way for people to draw exactly what they were thinking, including 3D objects. With that in mind, they took the basic design of the pen, since everyone knows how to use a pen, and designed the world’s first 3D printing pen called the 3Doodler.
As you draw, plastic comes out of the pen, is cooled by an integrated fan, and solidifies right in front of your eyes. The 3Doodler lets you draw on any surface and lift it up into the air to create your own 3D objects. The pen is compact, easy-to-use, requires no software and no computers.


The Cube 3D Printer promises to deliver an easy to use, plug-and-play 3D printer for your home. The printer was created by 3D Systems, a leading global provider of 3D content-to-print solutions.
At just 9.5 lbs and 10 x 10 x 13 inches, the Cube fits comfortably on any table or desktop. It features touchscreen controls, wifi connectivity, and the ability to print in both ABS and recyclable PLA plastics.


Intel, Plastic Logic, and Queen’s University are working together on the PaperTab, a flexible paper computer that looks like a sheet of paper but is actually a fully functional and interactive tablet.
The device is flexible and features a high-resolution 10.7″ plastic display made by Plastic Logic with touchscreen, and a second-generation Intel Core i5 processor. Users have ten interactive displays or “PaperTabs” that they can use on the tablet, one for each application being used. “Within five to ten years, most computers, from ultra-notebooks to tablets, will look and feel just like these sheets of printed color paper,” said Roel Vertegaal, director of the Human Media Lab at Queen’s.

If you’ve got a lot of gadgets–and who doesn’t these days?–you know that it can be difficult to keep track of all of their different chargers, not to mention hard to find outlet space to plug them in. One stylish former Kickstarter project aims to solve that problem while also beautifying your space.
The electree+ is billed as “part sculpture, part appliance” because it mixes form and function, offering a practical product–a multi-unit solar charger–with a beautiful form. The product was inspired by bonsai trees and nature’s fractal patterns, with 27 square silicon solar panels on each tree and a 14,000mAh internal battery that stores enough power to recharge an iPhone nine times or an iPad2 twice. Power is provided through two USB ports and a Qi wireless charging zone that works with most smart phones and can be adapted to work with iPhones.

robotic lamp

Here we have a robotic lamp named Pinokio created by Shanshan Zhou, Adam Ben-Dror, Joss Doggett at the Victoria University of Wellington. The lamp interacts with its environment and people and was designed to explore the expressive and behavioural potentials of robotic computing.
“Customized computer code and electronic circuit design imbues Lamp with the ability to be aware of its environment, especially people, and to expresses a dynamic range of behaviour. As it negotiates its world, through the synthesis of the algorithm, electronic circuit and structural modifications; we the human audience can see that Pinokio shares many traits possessed by animals, generating a range of emotional sympathies.” 


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Real People Behind Famous Fictional Characters

Literature heroes are almost always created by authors. Almost always. Sometimes they exist in reality...


Story of Alice in Wonderland began the day when Lewis Carroll was walking with daughters of  Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University, Henry Liddell, among whom was Alice Liddell. Carroll came up with the story on the move at the request of children, but in the following times have not forgotten about it, and began to write a sequel. Two years later, the author has presented the Alice manuscript, consisting of four chapters, to which was attached a photo of Alice in the age of seven. It was titled "Christmas gift  to a dear child in memory of a summer day."

James Bond

Elegant man with the title of prince, married to a Dutch princess, and prone to a shady deal -  prototype of James Bond, Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld. James Bond's adventures began with a series of books written by British intelligence officer Ian Fleming. The first of them - "Casino Royale" - was published in 1953. Ian Fleming was friends with Prince Bernhard and Bond caught manner of ordering "vodka martini", adding: "Shake, not stirred", as well as the habit of effective presentation: "Bernard, Bernard Prince," as he loved to say.

Ebenezer Scrooge

You are no doubt familiar with A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, but you may not have realized that Scrooge is based on a real-life person named John Elwes.
Elwes was an 18th century politician and notorious penny pincher, and despite having a vast fortune he lived like a homeless hermit, by all accounts. He would eat rotten food and live in abandoned houses rather than finding himself a home or buying food that wasn't totally gross. The eccentric miser was born into money but refused to spend any of it, choosing instead to live in squalor in order to save his fortune.

Sherlock Holmes

In his autobiography Conan Doyle wrote: "I thought of my old teacher Joe Bell, his aquiline profile, his inquiring mind and an incredible skill of guessing all the details. If he was a detective, he would have turned it into an amazing exact science. Resorting to the power of deduction"

Mr. Burns

The Simpsons’ nuclear plant billionaire Montgomery Burns is the spitting image of Norwegian shipping magnate Fred Olsen.
But unlike his fictional double, Olsen’s business activities aren’t riddled with dodgy deals

Dorian Gray

The main character of "The Portrait of Dorian Gray" seriously tarnished the reputation of the original one. John Gray, a young friend and protege of Oscar Wilde' was famous for his beautiful and vicious appearance of a fifteen year old boy. Wilde made no secret of the similarities between his character and John, and the latter one called himself Dorian. Happy friendship ended when press started writing that John was the lover of Oscar Wilde. Enraged Gray sued and won an apology from the editors, but his friendship with the famous author slowly faded. Later the young poet became a priest and served in the Church of St. Patrick in Edinburgh.

Peter Pan

Acquaintance with the family of Sylvia and Arthur Davis gave James Matthew Barrie, at the time already a famous playwright, his main character - Peter Pan. One of the sons of Davis - Michael was his inspiration. Peter Pan was the same age as Michael and acquired from him some character traits, and the nightmares. The very story is dedicated to Barry's older bother David, who died the day before his fourteenth year birthday while skating and remained in the memory of close forever young. As for Michael he drowned in suspicious circumstances with a close friend – and possible lover just short of his 21st birthday.


Early in 1928, a Danish newspaper ran a competition to mark the centennial of the celebrated author Jules Verne. The winner would re-enact the globe-circling voyage undertaken by Phileas Fogg in Verne's bestselling novel, Around the World in 80 Days. For reasons a 21st-century parent can only wonder at, however, Politiken decided the contest should be open only to teenage boys, who – if they won – would have to complete the circumnavigation unaccompanied, within 46 days, and without using planes.Fresh-faced, freckled, with a snub nose, a shock of bright red hair and a penchant for plus-fours, 15-year-old boy scout and car showroom clerk Palle Huld left Copenhagen on March 1 and duly circled the globe – including then-wartorn Manchuria and foreigner-unfriendly Moscow – by train and passenger liner. He returned 44 days later to be greeted by a crowd of 20,000 cheering admirers and his mightily relieved mother, who, according to the Copenhagen Post, "had been prescribed sleeping tablets for the duration"


While working on "Lolita" Vladimir Nabokov, according to his biographer, Brian Boyd, often looked section of criminology in the newspapers for stories about accidents, murder and violence. History of Sally Horner and Frank LaSalle, which occurred in 1948, clearly caught his attention. Reported that middle-aged man, transgressing all rules of morality, stole fifteen years old Sally Horner and kept her with him for nearly two years before she was not found in Southern California motel. LaSalle as the hero of Nabokov at all times gave Sally for her daughter. Nabokov even casually mentions this incident in his book by Humbert's words: "Have I done with Dolly the same thing that Frank LaSalle, fifty years old mechanic did with eleven years old Sally Horner? "


Perhaps the most incredible and mythologized  is the story of the creation of Carlson. Its possible prototype - Hermann Goering. Relatives of Astrid Lindgren, of course, deny this version, but it is actively discussed.  Astrid Lindgren and Goering met each other in  the 20th year, when Hermann  arrangedan air show in Sweden. At that time, Goering was fully "in the prime of life," as used to say about himself Carlson. After the First World War he became a famous ace pilot. he had a certain charisma and, according to legend, a good appetite. Motor at Carlson behind often interpreted in reference to flying practice of  Goering. Possible confirmation of this analogy can be seen in the fact that some time Astrid Lindgren supported the idea of  National Socialist Party of Sweden. The book about Carlson was published already in the postwar period in 1955, so the analogy of these heroes would be madness, but it is quite possible that the bright image of the young Göring remained in her memory and somehow affected the appearance of a charming Carlson.


Over the years, Zorro has become something of a superhero in popular culture. It’s hard to believe that a character like that could have actually been based on a real person, but as it turns out, Zorro was indeed inspired by a man named Joaquin Murrieta, also known as the Mexican Robin Hood.
Born in 1829, Murrieta found success mining for gold in California before his family was attacked and murdered by American miners. his wife and his brother were attacked by American miners who envied his success and hated Mexicans. Talk about sore losers, they not only raped his wife, they hanged his brother, and horsewhipped the innocent Joaquin to a bloody pulp. He was unable to find justice through the legal system, so that’s when he became the vigilante that would inspire Zorro. He formed a gang  to exact his revenge. His outlaw band was named The Five Joaquins: Joaquin Botellier, Joaquin Carrillo, Joaquin Ocomoreniaq, Joaquin Valenzuela and Joaquin Murrieta. There was a sixth member, Manuel Garcia, affectionately dubbed Three-Fingered Jack. He and his gang continued to rob banks and commit murder until the Texas Rangers became involved and tracked down and killed Murrieta in 1853. The Rangers cut off Three-Fingered Jack's hand and the alleged Murrieta's head and preserved them in a jar of alcohol to bring to the authorities for their reward. The Rangers took the display throughout California; spectators could pay $1 to see the relics.

Winnie the Pooh

One version says that the Teddy Bear of Very Little Brain  got the nickname from a favorite toy of Milne's son Christopher Robin. However, in reality Pooh was named after a real bear that lived at London Zoo. Her name was in Winnipeg, and it cheered residents of the British capital from 1915 to 1934. The bear had many fans  and among them was Christopher Robin

Daisy Buchanan

In "The Great Gatsby," F. Scott Fitzgerald with deep penetration described his first love, Ginevra King, which he met from 1915 to 1917. Due to the difference in social status their relationship soon disintegrated,and  Fitzgerald wrote with anguish that the "rich girls don't merry poor boys." This phrase was included in the book, and then in the screen adaptation of the same name. King also was the inspiration for Judy Jones in "Winter Dreams" and Isabelle Borge in "This Side of Paradise."

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